Thursday, November 26, 2009

The forum will start on December 1st

Hey everybody! I hope you've all had your fill of turkey! I certainly did. I've had great interest so far in this forum, and am looking forward to hearing your comments about the book. We're set to start on December 1st, when I will publish the first blog post on the Introduction chapter. I've lined up several other students of Professor Sailhamer's, some former and some present, to post in subsequent chapters, though I'm still looking to fill a few more slots if you might be interested. Please contact me if you are at all interested. As a way of introduction, I would like to lay down a few ground rules:

1) If you have not read the chapter under discussion, please refrain from commenting. Though this may sound a little brutal, it will greatly improve our conversations and keep us on track.
2) I am the sole moderator, and I expect your comments to be appropriate. I can ban you, though I hope from the outset that it would never come to that.
3) Within the opening blog, several questions will be posed by the blog author. My hope is that these questions will be the first to be addressed by your comments, before moving on to other questions you might have.
4) I am open for suggestions on how to better manage the site. Feel free to let me know how it can improve if you have a good idea.

Those seem simple enough. The plan is to start a new chapter at the beginning of every month. This will leave plenty of room for discussion. If this ends up being too much time, then we can shorten it. That said, I welcome you guys back here on the first of December.

Many blessings,
Andy Witt

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